Saturday, October 2, 2010


At first many country claimed their political control in Antarctica. In 1959 an Antarctica treaty system was established. According to this treaty, Antarctica is politically neutral, and no country can claim its government here. No military activity can be done here. No mining can be done here. Antarctica is considered below to 60 S. The countries which claim their territory in Antarctica are United Kingdom, Russia, Argentina, Chile, Australia, New Zealand, Norway, France, and USA.

Flora (Plants)

Mostly invertebrate animals and two species of vertebrates are present. A number of ocean animal are present which are dependent on algae species. These animals include penguins, whales, seals, orcas and squids. Fishing was prohibited here in an at established in 1980. But still illegal fishing is practiced.


Antarctica has no permanent population. However some research centers work here all year. The population in these research stations, the population of scientists remain whole the year. In summer 5000 residents and in winter 1000 people live here in research stations. Russia has also made a catholic church at his centre. Permanent resident are only at South Georgia, governed by Britain.


It is most cold part of world. The lowest temperature at earth was measured -89 at Russian Vostok Research Station in 1983. Mostly in year temperature lies between -80 and -90 C. But in summer it is 5 to 15 at coastal line. But even that of normal temperature, no body can live there. Because ice reflects all ultraviolet rays, received from sun, which is harmful for human skin.


It covers more than 14,000,000 sq km2. It is fifth largest continent of world and 1.3 times larger than Europe. Its all coast line consists of ice and 17,968 km long. It is present at South Pole of world. It is surrounded by three oceans, the pacific, the Atlantic and Indian Ocean. About 98% surface of Antarctica is ice, which is 1.6km thick. Antarctica has 90% of total world ice.


Antarctica is the continent present at South Pole of world. Its area is 14 million km2, and it is fifth largest continent of world. About 98% area of Antarctica is comprised of ice, which has 1.6 km thickness.
Among all the continents, Antarctica is most cold and dry. And all times wind blow here. Rainfall is very less here, resembling to that of desert. No human population lies here, except the tourists and researchers. It was named Antarctica in 1890 by John George Bartholomew of Scotland. Antarctica is Greek derived word, which means “opposite to north.”
In 1959 a treaty was signed by twelve countries. But now forty six nations are member of this treaty. And 4000 scientists are working here. According to treaty, military activity and mineral mining are not allowed here.